Top 5 Listened To Albums In My iTunes Library


Contra by Vampire Weekend

Total play count = 10

Most played song = Run at 20 plays


Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix by Phoenix

Total play count = 11

Most played song = Lisztomania at 36 plays


Emotionalism by The Avett Brothers

Total play count = 16

Most played song = Paranoia in B-Flat Major at 34 plays


Absence by Paper Route

Total play count = 21

Most played song = Last Time at 42 plays


MuteMath’s self titled album

Total play count = Don’t ask

Most played song = Who knows…

Webster, I lied. I really meant Untitled 3 instead of Untitled 4.

Top 5 Things To Do During Summer Break

1. Work

Or as we say in my home “get money, get paid.”

2. Sleep

Because you can. Finally.

3. Read

Yeah, sure you read DURING the semester, but you read things like Daniel L. Pals Eight Theories of Religion, or a Biology text book, or an essay written in Spanish about the history of Mexico’s relationship with the United States. What would I rather read? Let me let you in on a little thing I like to call my Summer Reading List.

  1. Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
  2. The Chronicles of Narnia (because I’ve never read them. Currently on #4, Prince Caspian, and I’m enjoying every page)
  3. Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon (my mom suggested it)
  4. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  5. Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton
  6. The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
  7. The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
  8. The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
  9. Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck
  10. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (because I read it once, but that wasn’t enough)
  11. Forgotten God by Francis Chan
  12. Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer

Trust me when I say that this may grow/change and will not be read in this particular order, but I’ve already started on the first three.

4. Listen to Music…LIVE!

There’s something about standing in the middle of a sweaty, smelly, tone deaf group of people singing one of your favorite songs at the top of your lungs while the guy who wrote it plays it on the guitar (or banjo!) that’s exciting.

5. Go Outside

There are so many familiar things about summer…the smell of the second floor of my house while the air conditioning is on, the sound of lawnmowers humming on Saturday mornings, the wind blowing in my hair as I drive down my street with the windows down, but perhaps the most enjoyable is that feeling of the warm sun on my white skin. Just do yourself a favor and don’t forget the sunscreen.

I don’t know what you have seen or you’ve heard…

But if you haven’t seen or heard this, it’s about time.

The Avett Brothers (Scott on the left, Seth on the right) performing Left on Laura, Left on Lisa from the album Four Thieves Gone

Can’t wait to see these guys live

The Swiss Alps


It’s summer.

And even though I have absolutely nothing to do, I feel as if I have no time for most things. I did pretty well in my classes. I’m happy. My friends are home from school. Hooray. I’m getting plenty of sleep. I’m reading. Listening to a fair amount of music (like that’s ever NOT the case). I’m happy. I have yet to decide where I’m going to school in the fall, but the mountains have been sounding more attractive than the beach lately. I don’t feel much pressure to make that decision quickly. I’m happy. And I would like for things to stay that way.