LORD, please save me from food.

I have often said to my fellow Moody students while getting them something to eat, or handing them something I made for them to eat that “food is my love language.” The point that I’m trying to get across to them is that I enjoy filling people’s stomachs with something my hands have made. Like how a musician likes it when other people enjoy his music, or an artist likes it when other people enjoy his painting, this is how I feel about food.

I’ve heard 1 Corinthians 10:31 quoted many times by authors, preachers, and friends. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Of course, they many other things than food on their mind when referencing the verse, but nevertheless the words it “eat” and “drink” are used for a reason.

The Bible says a lot more on the topic of food than I realize it does. As I’ve been writing a research paper on the importance of food in scripture, the way I think about and approach food has changed. That is, the way I eat has changed. Prayer before meals is a priority. Even when I’m eating alone. How much I eat has been revealed to me as gluttony. Not because I always eat too much, but rather because I eat to be happy even when I’m not hungry. I’m just looking for satisfaction. I wish I could say that the way I view myself in the mirror has changed, but the Holy Spirit is still at work in that area.

I try to eat healthy. I try to put things into my body that will benefit me. This is hard to do! I’m in college. Most of my grocery bills add up to more than those of the girls with whom I live. Still, my prayers include the confession of gluttony. They should also include the confession of the idolization of my body.

Jesus saves me from both gluttony and anorexia. The Gospel is what controls my fork, and keeps me from shoving my finger down my throat. It may sound silly or dramatic, but it’s the truth. We live in a consumer culture, and we as Christians have taken part in this consumerism in the way we approach food. Does the relationship I have with food have anything to do with my relationship with Jesus?!


He is, after all, the Bread of Life.